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Jemur Island, the Perfect Place to Visit Green Turtle Conservation in Riau

Jemur Island is one of Indonesia’s Islands and located at Malaka Strait. Besides that, its island also close to Malaysia boarder and become the center of Arwah Archipelago. People  known Jemur as the widest island there, beside Labuhan Bilik, Tokong Simbang, and Tokong Emas. Jemur is also well-known because it has beautiful panorama and become the habitat of green turtle. 
Jemur Island is inhabitant islands and it is used by fisherman as haven. Although the location is far from Bagansiapiapi, the island becomes tourist destination nowadays. The main attraction is because the island becomes a turtle’s conservation and turtle’s breeding, ancient sites and the legend of its island.
Jemur Island covers area 250 hectares and belongs to Pasir Limau Kapas sub-district, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province and located around 72.4 km from Bagansiapiapi. When you want to go there, you can hire fisherman’s boat or charter speedboat. It will take 2 hours from Bagansiapiapi.

Jemur Island is a suit place to relax your mind and escape from your routine. The most favorite thing that you can do is visiting the cute green turtle. It is become a unique attraction because its turtle is found only around the island. The perfect time to see the turtle is at mid night because most of them will come to Jemur and hatch the eggs. Strolling along the beach becomes common thing. In some area, you will see golden sand with clear water. Hence, it is not surprise when some people consider Jamur as emerald at Malaka Strait. In the other part of island, you will find white fine sand. The combination between golden and white sand is only can be found in its island.

Jemur Island has beautiful scenery, especially when you see it from above. The tight vegetation forms beach of forest. Most of tourist comes to Jemur because they want to enjoy the breed of green turtle. Once they lay eggs, they able to produce 100 – 150 eggs. After that, they will cover it by sand for hatching. Other activity that you can do in Jemur Island is snorkeling. You will see marine life and group of coral reef around Arwah Archipelago, especially at Jemur. With shallow water, it is become a perfect spot to snorkel and other marine activities. The formation of coral reefs is original and can be enjoyed by all visitors. 
The eggs that able to crack will be put on a basin. After 4 – 6 months, the baby turtle can be released and swim to ocean. Although population of green turtle is big, but threat from predator is also bigger. Even, they can be cannibal and eat their friends. That is why the keeper of Jemur Island will feed them in the morning and evening routinely. If not, they will kill each other. When you come to Jemur, you also can visit lighthouse that standing so strong, Japanese cave’s defense and the foot print of supernatural man, and many more.

Jemur Island has no guest-house. So, if you want to stay overnight, you can build a tent, stay at marine post or at the green turtle conservation. As the marine tourism and conservation, its island become one of place you have to visit if you love to see cute green turtle.
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