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Sempu Island, Things to Do in Sempu Island at Malang East Java

The area of Sempu Island is considered as a sanctuary because it offers you natural scenery with total area around 877 hectares. Administratively, the island lies at Sendang Biru hamlet, Tambakrejo Village, Sumbermanjing Wetan sub-district, Malang Regency, East Java. This area has several types of ecosystem, such as mangrove forest, beaches forest, and a dense rain forest.

The sanctuary of Sempu Island lies around 69 km south of Malang City. To reach the island, there are many routes, i.e. Malang – Kepanjen – Gondanglegi – Turen – Sumbermanjing Wetan – Sendang Biru – Sempu Island, or Malang City – Bulilawang – Turen – Sumbermanjing Wetan – Sendang Biru – Sempu Island.
As you visit Sempu Island, there are many things you can do. And here are some places you can visit:

Segara Anakan
Segara Anakan is a salty lagoon with the total area around four hectares. The water of the lagoon is part of ocean that trapped at the land and it is surrounded by cliffs. The water from the ocean comes in to Segara Anakan through the tunnel from the underground. 
Besides that, the water also comes in from the hole of cliffs. Most of travelers who visit Sempu Island will never miss this spot because the lagoon is the main attraction. Some of them build a tent and stay overnight to be closer to the nature.

Sat Lake
Sat Lake is seasonal lake that only can be found at rainy season. When you come on dry season, the lake is just like a pasture. This is kind of one the unique ecosystem as you visit Sempu Island.

Macan Cave
Macan Cave lies at the opposite of Indonesian Fishing Port. The cave is one of spiritual destination in Sempu Island. Most of visitors who come to the cave want to meditation.

Freshwater Beach
The beach is called as Freshwater Beach because in this beach there is freshwater source. The freshwater come from the cliff wall that located at the west of the strait. The strait become a transit place for visitors who walk from Waru-waru Beach to Caluk Ilang Beach, or they take a boat to come back to Sendang Biru Beach. Travelers and fishermen from Malang City often stop over at Freshwater Beach to clean themselves, taking water and docking.

Waru-waru Beach
Waru-waru Beach lies at the opposite of Sendang Biru Beach. The beach has the name because most of vegetation at the beach is waru trees. Waru-waru Beach has stretches of white sand and become one of alternative destination for those who visit Sendang Biru Beach and Sempu Island. You can enjoy the natural view of the beach and Sempu Island from the distance. As a quiet beach, you will be free to explore the beach.

Lele Lake
Lele Lake is the only one lake with fresh water at the sanctuary of Sempu Island. The total area of the lake is around two hectares. From the lakes, the animal that lives in the island get the fresh water. As you come to Lele Lake, you will see if the lake is surrounded by dense forests that create the condition around this area become more horrific. Some people come to the lake to stay alone and do reflection.
According to the name, Lele Lake is occupied by catfish. Nobody dare to fish and bring them home because they believe it can give them nightmare and misfortune. Besides catfish, you still can find other species of fish. The track to Lele Lake can be reached around an hour from Waru-waru Beach.

Pasir Panjang Beach
Pasir Panjang Beach lies at the south of Sempu Island. The position of the beach creates a long sandy and rocky beach. Just like other beaches that face directly to Indonesia Ocean, the waves of water are powerful and strong. It is a perfect place to surf but a dangerous place to swim.

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