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Rinca Island, A Living Place for Komodo

Rinca Island is one of islands in East Nusa Tenggara. The island becomes a place for komodo. Besides that, you also can do many things any time you visit the island. If you love doing outdoor activities, you will love to come here because you can explore stunning areas. But first, you have to recharge your energy because you will get around to finding komodo. Yes, komodo. Who doesn’t know komodo? Well, this is one of incredible reptile that lives on Rinca Island. But, you still have the chance to see the komodo in Padar Island and Komodo Island which are located in Komodo National Park. Rinca Island lies at the west of Flores Island and separated by Molo Strait.
It is no wonder when tourists from around the world come here to meet the wild animal. Rinca Island has amazing natural life. Once you come here, you will see the statue of komodo with three meters height. The scenery around the island just like savannah because it is dry and barren. The savannah will end once you arrive at the mangrove forest. Most favorite activity in Rinca Island is trekking. You can choose the short trek or the long one. The distance is about 2 - 8 km. If you are a real adventurer, you may choose the longest trek because you will have more chance to enjoy the beauty of the island and you may meet komodo with gigantic size.

Picture Liburanlokal
Along the trail, you can explore the dense forests and hills. When the day is friendly to you, it will be more interesting and exhausting. Thus, bring your water while enjoying the trek. In some spots, you will see monkeys hanging on the trees, groups of deer or buffaloes enjoying their lunch. The government has been trying to create the condition of Komodo National Park as natural as possible. Even, the animals like deer and buffalo must be available to keep the stocks of food for komodo. Once you meet komodo, you are not allowed to make a noise or disturb them. Although they walk so slow, but komodo is still a dangerous animal. 
The saliva of komodo consists of deadly bacteria. Even, a woman who is getting menstruation isn’t allowed to trek here because komodo has a ingsensitive sense of smell, especially to smell blood. In order to see the habitat of komodo, you will be brought to see the nest to lay eggs by the guide. After trekking to see komodo in savannah, don’t miss to climb the hills. From there, you can see many islands that adjacent to Rinca Island such as Bidadari Island in West Manggarai. The island has been popular for the diversity of fish and the green turtle with a beautiful panorama.
Calm and blue water will please you any time you visit Bidadari Island. Coming to Rinca Island and continued to Bidadari Island will give you unforgettable experiences. It is a perfect island to relax and close to nature.
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