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Papua Diving Resort, An Eco Resort with Panoramic View in Raja Ampat

Papua Diving Resort has been regarded as one of the best dive spots and resorts in the world. The dive spot around the resort is home of biodiversity worldwide. A scientist, Dr. G. Allen, did a research in this spot on April 2012. The result was he found about 374 different species in its underwater. 
This is what makes the dive spot around the resort gains popularity around the world. As a result, the resort is well known as well. Especially, the resort always gives the best service for the guests. The guests who want to dive will be guided by a professional guide. The guide will take the guests to the most interesting places underwater.  
Papua Diving Resort is situated in Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia. Precisely, the resort lies in Mansuar Island. To reach the resort, you should pass Sorong. Sorong is the gateway to almost all tourist destinations in West Papua. From Sorong, you can go to the resort by boat. It is better if you join a tour package to the resort. However, to safe budget, you can fly from whatever you are, such as Jakarta or Makassar to Sorong. Then, go by speed boat or a long boat to the resort. The speed boat usually can hold 10 passengers with the cost of Rp3,200,000 ($334.00) for one trip. It takes about 3 to 4 hours to reach Mansuar Island. 

          There are many activities you can do in Papua Diving Resort. As the resort is known for its biodiversity, the most popular activities you can do here is diving and snorkeling. Diving in the dive spot near the resort will give you the most challenging adventure as you can see various species of creatures. Many of the species may be new for you. Many rare species have been found in Raja Ampat, including pristine reefs of soft and hard corals. When you dive, you must always remember that the spot is designed as an eco resort. It means all the living species are protected. You must not take away any creatures from underwater, otherwise you will get trouble.   

Papua Diving Resort consists of two resorts, i.e. Kri Eco and Sorido Bay. Both resorts are low impact resorts, which blend in with the surrounding area. When building the resort, local materials were used. The design of the resort combines traditional and modern one. All the walls and the roofs are made of woven palm leaves. Thus, the traditional design concept offers comfort and relaxation to is guests. The rate to spend the night in the resorts is about Rp900,000 ($94.00). The resorts also provide a dive package. You need to pay for Rp360,000 ($38.00) for one dive. Almost all the staffs serving the guests are local Papuan. The resorts have given many job opportunities to local people.  
Knowing that the resort is an eco resort, you can imagine that the place has a natural beauty. No guests are allowed to bring or harm the creatures there. Hence, Papua Diving Resort has exotic and panoramic view that you may not find anywhere else.
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